Our Works

Cantiere Nautico Reggio

The company was the outcome of passion and costancy of President Ernesto Rosmini for the nautical sector and, like all big companies, of the tenacity and the skills of those who work daily for the company. The shipyard was founded in Reggio Calabria in 1979 by the name of Cantiere Nautico Reggio (Reggio Shipyard), and it began working on small and medium-sized boats.


Molo di Ponente Porto, Spiaggia Candeloro – 89121 Reggio Calabria
(+39) 3467411490

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Cantiere Nautico Reggio s.a.s. P.IVA: 02179290800 | Numero REA RC 152782 | C.s. € 10.000,00 - ©2017

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